Risk Assessment and Tree Removal for the Coming Kalamazoo Winter
Now that we’re almost through the fall, the temperatures will continue to decline as snow powders the ground and ice hangs from the trees. Yet, as arborists, many of our clients are surprised when they notice a sharp increase in the number of trees that are suddenly cracking, snapping, and falling to the ground. This uptick during the winter, we explain, is because of the impact that snow, ice, and the cold can have on trees.
Because of increased rigidity of the tree (due to the cold), many trees will suddenly crack or even uproot when combined with the intense weight of ice and heavy snowfall. What’s worse, these unexpected falling trees are liable to cause damage to property such as cars, houses, and decks; they can even cause harm to people. For that reason, it’s important to have professionals perform a tree risk assessment and, if necessary, a tree removal before the winter reaches its peak.
In today’s blog post, we’ll be discussing what we look for in a tree risk assessment, and when you should request tree removal.
Tree Risk Assessment: What We Look For
When you contract us to perform a tree risk assessment, we have a few primary factors to investigate when ensuring your tree’s health is coming along nicely. Some of these factors are:
- Soil conditions
- Structures at risk in case of tree collapse
- Exposure to wind
- Health of the tree
Each of these factors are considered when ascertaining the three main risks we watch out for: target (what a falling tree would hit), impact potential (likely damage caused by a felled tree), and probability of failure (the likelihood that the tree will fall). Through a combined analysis of these factors, we’ll deliver the final tree risk assessment that will inform you of what measures you should take going forward.
Tree Removal from Qualified Arborists
If your tree risk assessment helps you determine that it’s best to simply have the tree removed, then our experts are here to provide you with efficient, safe tree removal. Our experts will provide you with a variety of tree removal options that are tailored to your budget and your needs. Even in the fall and winter, we’ll provide you with the service necessary to keep you and your property safe from high-risk trees.
Are you interested in having a tree risk assessment done on one of your trees? Or, if you feel you or your property are already at-risk, are you looking to have a tree removal done? If so, contact our professionals at American Arbor today for more information about our tree services.